(Justice Weekly, Toronto)


(From "The Japan Times")

A number of semipermanent Occidental male residents in Japan have homosexual tendencies, according to a Japanese psychologist who believes the rate to be as high as onefourth,

Dr. Hitoshi Aiba, of the Department of Neuro-Psychiatry of Keio University's medical college, based his findings on a series of "depth interviews" with 60 foreign residents.

All of the men interviewed have chosen to live in Japan because they prefer this country, and not out of necessity, Dr. Aiba said.


The "depth interviews" used by Dr. Aiba consist of a list of inter related questions designed to reveal the inner workings of the subject's mind. This technique is frequently employed by psychologists.

Dr. Alba told The Japan Times he will announce the results of his one-year study at the fifth annual General Congress of the Japan Psychoanalytical Association of Kyushu University.

He said each of the men interviewed had given him permission to publish his findings, on condition that he does not reveal their identities.

The 34-year-old psychologist said he was surprised at the high rate of homosexuality he found among foreigners living

the lives of expatriates here. He suggested the fact that Japan is more tolerant of this vice than are many Western nations might be partially responsible.

The foreign residents he interviewed showed a common pattern of seeking escape froin their own culture, Dr. Aiba said. He said those interviewed displayed a desire not to identify themselves with their relatives, nationality or environment.

As a result, he added, most are in a dilemma in that they find it difficult to merge with the Japanese culture, while they are repelled by their own culture. The psychologist described them as "caught be tween the East and West" emotionally.

Dr. Aiba. who has studied in the U.S. for four years and in Germany for two, said fie launched his survey of foreign residents in an attempt to study the Japanese mentality as reflected in the minds of foreigners.

He explained that he was interested in finding out how Japanese appeared to foreigners in day-to-day impressions and what drew the foreigners interviewed to settle in Japan, Dr. Aiba said he intends to continue his study of American and European residents here and will publish his find-. ings in Japanese and English. Gyo Hani

mattachine REVIEW

ONE's 1961 MIDWINTER INSTITUTE in January will tackle questions such as these, and will attempt to extract from a weekend of dis cussions something like a HOMOSEXUAL BILL OF RIGHTS. The program, now being planned by the Institute's Monday night classcommittee, will be something like a constitutional convention. Delegates from all parts of the country will have the chance to participate in drafting resolutions defining the extent of those rights which are, or should be, ours, and planning ways in which to make the best use of such a Declaration of Rights-or Manifesto. Full activities will be dovetailed into the program to enlist those persons who are of a less theoretical turn of mind.

A complete departure from the program-format of previous Midwinter Institutes,. this, we feel, will be the most exciting, and the most significant program in the history of the American homophile move. ment. Instead of waiting passively for heterosexual organizations to come up with recommendations urging society to go a little easier on the homosexual, join us in preparing a frank statement to the world of what the homosexual wants.

ONE'S Seventh Annual MIDWINTER INSTITUTE will be held in Los Angeles, January 26-29, 1961, in conjunction with ONE, INC.'s Ninth Annual Business Meeting (Friday).

Advance registration will be necessary. Exact prices (including meals) and place to be announced.

Much advance work is needed to prepare such a program as this, and much of it is work in which you can participate. We need your ideas (whether or not you can be in Los Angeles in January) on what ought to be included in a Homosexual Bill of Rights, and how such a document should be used to further the homosexual cause.

As a starter, we invite you to submit your ideas on these questions: What do you think about homosexual rights?

How aggresive do you think such a Declaration ought to be? Should it stick to 'safe,' short-term, minimum demands, or should it go the limit?

Let us know if you are willing to participate, in person or by mail. both before and after the Drafting Sessions in January, on this project.

And let us know if there is an outside chance that you might be able to attend in Los Angeles at the end of January.